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CERT National Newsletter


The CERT National Program Office is pleased to present the "CERT National Newsletter". This publication will offer updates on the CERT Program, highlight successes of local programs and provide valuable information for current and prospective CERT programs.

CERT Newsletter Issues

CERT Newsletter - Volume 3 - Issue 4, June 2011

In this issue of the CERT National Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 4, you will read about the creative and diverse ways CERT members serve their communities when they aren’t activated for emergency situations. Also featured in this issue is an article on the Pasadena Community College CERT’s full-scale ShakeOut exercise, and the Denver CERT program’s success in building community partnerships. Last but not least, find out more about Georgetown University’s collaboration with other Washington, D.C. universities and colleges to provide CERT training.

CERT Newsletter - Volume 3 - Issue 3, January 2011

This is an exciting edition and features an informative story on Haiti CERT’s response to the devastating earthquake there a year ago.  Also, be sure to read the stories on the rodeo in Guam that refreshes disaster readiness skills, and how a “disability” is a special skill in disguise.  And learn how to promote CERT in your community and see what other programs are doing across the country.

CERT Newsletter - Volume 3 - Issue 2, October 2010

In this issue of the CERT National Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 2, you will read about how a CERT in Haiti mobilized after the earthquake. Also, in this issue is a story of how the Charlottesville-UVA Albemarle County CERT responded to a snowstorm. You will also read about how the Hawaii CERT is preparing for a tsunami that could devastate the island state, and how the Passaic Valley, NJ CERT responded to flooding. 

CERT Newsletter – Volume 3 – Issue 1, April 2010

When a West Virginia teen uses his CERT training to save a life, people pay attention.  That’s just one of the many stories featured in Volume 3, Issue 1 of the quarterly "CERT National Newsletter."  Read about CERT members who staffed local H1N1 clinics by assisting with crowd and traffic management, patient registration, and other duties as needed at the clinics. Discover how local CERT programs across the country have grown significantly from 2005 to 2009 in our interviews with CERT Program Coordinators in five states.  Read details of how CERT members activated due to a fire at an oil refinery in Puerto Rico.  These features and many more are ready for you to read.

CERT Newsletter – Volume 2 – Issue 3, November 2009

In this issue of the CERT National Newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 3, you will read about how CERTs around the country are engaging in drills and exercises to maintain individual and team skills. From regional CERT Olympics in Texas, Oregon, and Washington, to the AMGEN Tour of California bicycle race, to search and rescue exercises in Ohio and Virginia, and more, CERTs around the country are finding innovative and interesting ways to train. The issue also features a request for CERTs to submit their own drills and exercises for inclusion in upcoming publications from the National CERT Program.

CERT Newsletter – Volume 2 – Issue 2, August 2009

In this issue of the CERT newsletter, Volume 2, Issue 2, you will read about the Hamden, CONN CERT training on public safety officer rehabilitation and on-scene victim care. Another story "CERT Programs: Rural and Urban" describes the similarities CERT members receive in both locations and also the challenges both communities are faced with. The article on Teen CERT is a compilation of five individuals from across the country who conduct Teen CERT in their local communities.

CERT Newsletter – Volume 2 – Issue 1, April 2009

This issue of the quarterly "CERT National Newsletter" from the CERT National Program Office features an article on two CERT Coordinators – one with a well-established program and the other with a relatively new program – illustrating the differences and similarities in running their CERT programs, an article on Guam CERT conducting training to high school students and University students on the island, and also stories where CERT members have used their training to respond to disasters in their communities.

CERT Newsletter – Volume 1 – Issue 2, January 2009

The CERT National Program Office is pleased to issue Volume 1, Issue 2 of the quarterly "CERT National Newsletter."  This edition features articles on CERT Basic Training conducted in Mandarin, Campus CERT and other local CERT exercises, local CERTs' work during Hurricanes Gustav and Ike in Lousiana, and CERTs in action during the U. S. Olympic track and field trials, as well as stories on CERT training initiatives taking place across the country.

CERT Newsletter – Volume 1 – Issue 1, September, 2008

This issue includes greetings from FEMA Administrator Paulison, articles on the CERT partnership with Meals On Wheels and on CERT exercises and training around the country, and also news on updates to the CERT training materials, as well as information on how to submit stories for publication in the newsletter.