First Aid #1
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1. A condition where the patient may have pale, cold and clammy skin. (5)
3. Details of a casualty's condition that you can see. (5)
6. Water should be this when used in the treatment of frostbite. (4)
7. This element constitutes 21% of all the air we breath in. (6)
8. Wearing these reduces the risk of cross infection from body fluids. (6)
9. The number of minutes between the recording of the casualties vital signs. (3)
11. This condition can sometimes be mistaken for shock, however this is a temporary
condition. (5)
12. This acronym indicates the priorities when dealing with a life threatening
condition. (3)
13. This knot is suitable for the tying of bandages and slings (4)
17. This can help deal with Cramp. (7)
18. Sometimes occurs if the head is shaken by a blow to the head. (10)
24. One of the treatments for a strain or sprain. (7)
25. Attack of severe breathing difficulty in very young children. (5)
26. These carry blood back to the heart. (5)
28. Acronym: Treatment for a strain, sprain or bruising. (4)
29. (Workplace) Regulations for dealing with serious accidents or dangerous occurences
in the workplace. (6)
31. By feeling this you can tell the heart rate and rhythm. (5)
32. Liquid that can be used to incapacitate the stinging cells from jellyfish. (7)
36. Caused by the skin being punctured or cut. (5)
37. A wound caused by a sharp implement such as a knife or glass. (7)
38. The rate at which chest compressions should be performed per minute. (7)
39. If someone falls onto railings they may suffer from this. (10)
2. Bruise (9)
3. People that have had their voice box removed breath through this. (5)
4. The colour of a first aid kit. (5)
5. Acronym: The important steps when dealing with a casualty. (5)
10. Liquid used in the treatment of burns. (5)
11. Gases in the air that can be toxic. (5)
13. The speed at which something happens (e.g. breathing). (4)
14. A break or crack to a bone. (8)
15. Acronym: Used to determine the level of response for a casualty. (4)
16. Bone structure of the body. (8)
19. Caused by an object suck in the throat. (7)
20. Caused by very hot liquid coming into contact with the skin. (5)
21. Useful for reducing pain and swelling for a sprain. (3)
22. The system of nerves cells, fibres and the brain that receives and analyses
information from around the body. (7)
23. This should be done to the legs for someone suffering from shock. (5)
25. Acronym: Used on an unconscious casualty that is not breathing and has no signs of
life. (3)
27. Given to some diabetics to control the level of sugar in the blood. (7)
30. Heart condition caused by the narrowing of arteries supplying blood to the heart.
32. Name of the poison that snakes can give. (5)
33. Acronym: Device that provides an electrical current to correct the patients heart
rhythm. (3)
34. The flow of blood can be restricted if a bandage is too _____. (5)
35. Organ that pumps blood around the body. (5)
Solution for First
Aid May 2005 - 2 Crossword
©Copyright Stewart Watkiss 2003-2006
This crossword puzzle may be printed for personal use as long as this copyright message is retained. The crossword
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use in a non-commercial public first aid course or course run by a volunteer organisation for the benefit of it's
members as long as any charges for the course do not exceed the cost of running the course. The crossword puzzle
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