Message From Phil
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It's been a while since my last
"Message From Phil", I hope you haven't missed me too much.
It's heartwarming to know that
this website is reaching people and organizations that are far from it's
original audience.
We have been receiving emails
from all over the United States praising this website and suggesting corrections and additions. Thank you all
and keep it up.
This website can only grow and
reach a diverse population of people only with the help of all of you. Keep sending in corrections and
Today's message is a re-hash of
several other messages that I have written and concerns itself with the importance of maintaining our readiness for
the possibility of a major emergency.
When entering another hurricane
season the feelings of complacency are very easy to get trapped into. Just because we have not had a
major hurricane in a number of years is no reason to assume that the coming hurricane season will
be the same. We are due for a hit and the question is not if but when.
This brings me to the jist of
today's message. I feel that too many of us have fallen into the complacency pit. We don't seem to feel that it is
necessary to hone the skills that we were taught when we went through our CERT training.
I have notified our entire CERT
group every time a training is offered and only a few felt that it was necessary to take advantage of these
trainings. I will continue to notify you of these trainings.
These trainings can save a life,
please take advantage of them.
REMEMBER: If your life were in
jeopardy, would you want YOU to be the first on the scene?
Would YOU know what to
That's it for
Phil Ettinger: Team Leader
P.S.The webmaster and
anyone connected to this website do not assume any responsibility for the accuracy
andveracity of the information offered in the web sites
listed herein. Use the information at your own discration and
with due diligence.
Some sites are very large and may take some time to load.